Friday, December 16, 2011

What would it be like to live in a gingerbread house?

I wouldn't like living in a gingerbread house. I don't think i could take the smell but i would probably get used to it after a while. If i fell or something on the wall then the whole house might break. I might even be tempted to eat it. If it rained then it would be really soggy and there would be bugs every. So i wouldn't want to live in a gingerbread house.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Free Write - Relationship between LOVE and WAR

I don't think that war can be beautiful. When you compare love and war its not comparing the good part of love with the good part of war. I think that it is comparing the bad part of love with war. I also think that if you are fighting for the right thing by the end of the war there could be happiness instead of a lot of destruction. a'ldkkkkkkkkkkkncvklvmioanfewinpfoiamfoimdsalkndklc;jvmlkdsmafioenmpkaniodnlv,v koanpfjoidfpiojafneionfoipnfioneowifnsmvnlknoivnoienrioewnoianionklnmkl;cvaklnfeaknfaernoeifnwea.
There are different types of love just like there are different types of wars. Love can be bad and war is almost always bad.

Top ten - True high school stories

1. There is always drama
2. Different groups of people
3. Peer Pressure
4. Sex and Drugs
5. Not rated PG-13
6. Cool Kids
7. Nerds
8. Hatred
9. Love
10. Not always a happy ending

Friday, December 9, 2011

Do you believe that going to war mad O'Brien a coward. Why or Why not? Did reading this story make a you think differently about going to war?

I don't think going to the war made him a coward. I think he was saying that he was a coward before he went to the war. No this story didn't make me think differently about the war because i already knew about war.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What is O'Brien saying here? Do you agree or disagree with him? Why?

I think O'Brien is saying that since you are telling your memory that makes a story. He is also saying that your past is your story and it can't be changed is there for eternity. I agree with him because a story can last forever and stories do come from memories.