Friday, April 27, 2012

What book did you choose for the independent reading project? Why did you choose this book?

I didn't choose a book yet. I haven't chosen a book because i haven't found a good book that has been at my reading level. I want to read a book with a good story line and a good ending to it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Post modern is what happens after and what is happening now. I think it is when people are telling there lie that can also be the truth. Things like post modern books or movies the truth is always exaggerated.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What do you remember about the feminist and race lens?

For the feminist lens i remember that they always want to know the male and female roles. They also want know who has the power the male or the female. For the race lens i remember which culture has the most power. They also want to know how the culture is portrayed.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Why do you think you chose this book to bring in?

I didn't bring a book in because i didn't have a book to bring in. I chose a book from the counter since i didn't bring one in. I chose the book night because i thought that is was the most enjoyable book that was on the counter.

What is your earliest memory of reading?

I remember i was in about first or second grade and our teacher read a book to us. I don't remember what the book was called but i know that it was a really interesting book. It was one of the first longer novel that was ever read to me.